Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Big Chop - What to Expect Going From Perm to Natural Hair

Im ready to do the infamous big chop and cut my perm out. How long after growing out my natural can I start locking my hair. Also, do you recommend any products to help prepare me for this?
The BiG ChOP ($45) is a universal term amongst former perm devouts who decide to grow out their own natural hair and after months of new growth get the chemically treated part of their tresses cut off by a licensed professional natural hair barber-stylist in hopes of rocking an afro, some twists, braids, dreadlocks or some other funky styles. I suggest joining up with other bornu loc salon members on my facebook in which you are coming up the same road as. Reach out & interact with them. Listen to what they too have to say about the whole going natural bit. For perm devouts relieved of duty, i recommend shampooing your hair with our blacksoap and using our henna balm. Apply to the hair as if you were using any commercial hair product. Henna is a Leave powder that acts as an antiseptic with legendary curative properties. It has been used to treat acute dandruff problems and when used on the scalp has instant germicidal and antibacterial action that cures most common skin and scalp disorders like excema, excessive oiliness and nappy rashes. Moreover, herbal henna is an excellent deordorant for dreads. 
Click here to see how henna is traditionally applied. After about 6 weeks with repeated use, we can start the locking process.

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